I Tutorial Movie Library On
Part 1 of this tutorial will show you how to create an iMovie library on a flash drive, and then move your project to the new library. The easiest way to edit an iMovie project on different computers is to save your project to an iMovie library on a removable drive (like a flash drive). When you open iMovie , click on the Projects button that’s just between Media and Theater at the top center of your screen and then click Create New.At this point, iMovie gives you the option to create short and fun Hollywood-style. Here’s a 10-step tutorial on how to create your own slideshow with iMovie for Mac.
Select your removable drive, then press “Save”. IMovie Library 1), then click on the drop down button so you can easily find your removable drive.4. Give your Library the name of your choice (e.g. Go to “File” -> “Open Library” -> “New”3.
Select “File” -> “Open Library” -> “Other”.3. Plug your removable drive (or flash drive) into the iMac, and then Launch iMovie.2. Follow the instructions below when you need to open it on another computer in iMovie.Part 2 - Accessing an iMovie Project on your removable drive1. Your project is now stored on your removable drive. This will take a few minutes – a small clock face will appear in the top right corner of iMovie to indicate progress.7.
This will prevent you from editing your iMovie project directly on your removable drive, which makes iMovie very slow. First select your removable drive, then select your iMovie library and click “Open”.5. Allow time for the project to be added to the computer’s iMovie Library, then right click the USB iMovie Library and select Close Library.